Hazel in the Shed

The Shed is where I need to go to develop my skills, make mistakes, discover mistakes are not mistakes, slow it down, acquire necessary muscle memory, apply discipline, nurture discipline, accept discipline.  Hazel is me.  When I am in the Shed I am where I need to be.  

This project is an ongoing series built around the premise of practicing in public.  I want to interrogate the notion of perfection in music performance.  I want to interrogate my lack of discipline, my story that I'm not as good as I can be because I don't practice enough—and that I somehow cannot learn to practice enough.  

I imagine the project in many forms:

1. Month-long durational project.  3 hours a day for one month, with leeway during my menses.  I build a shed, put what I need into the shed, invite others into the shed, and shed.  

2. Podcast.  Digital version of H.i.t.S. focusing on collaboration.  Each episode features a different guest artist; we attempt collaboration by combining practice. 

3. Bus stop Shed.  Exactly what it sounds like.

4. Walking Shed Meditation.  Also exactly what it sounds like.  

5. IF Shed.  A game of rooms, access, ceilings, successes, failures, obstacles, luck.  Deliverance.

6. Wait for it.